07 August 2008

It is finished

Cricket died early this afternoon. I was not present when she breathed her last. I'd gone out from 12:30 - 3:30, and she was dead when I returned. Though I wish I could have been with her (for my own curiosity as well as to comfort her), I'd already made peace with the possibility of missing her final moments. I know she was resting comfortably, and I'd given her a dose of her pain medication before I left, so she wasn't suffering. Her lights just went out.

Now comes the first task of the next few days: putting her body on ice to keep it here for the next day or so, kind of like a traditional wake for humans, so that I can come to grips with her death and begin the next phase of my grieving process.

Emails welcome at this time, but please don't call in the next 24 hours. I need the space to just be with her, deal with practicalities, and sleep. This has all been very exhausting. Thanks for all your understanding and prayers. I'll be writing more over the coming days.


  1. Oh, Rosie. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  2. Rosie,

    I've been thinking about you and Cricket, yesterday especially. I'm so glad you brought her by so we could say good bye.

    May the Lord give you Peace,

    John K.

  3. My heart goes out to you, Rosie. I feel blessed to have met Cricket earlier this year. You took good care of her.



  4. My heart goes out to you.

    The photo of the two of you is soulful and beautiful.


  5. So I sit here with Flippy, my aging cat, wondering what the day will be like when she passes. I cannot imagine it. I only know that the grief will be immense and I will be inconsolable. I often think about the immense grace and love God shows for us when he gave us these creatures to love and take care of.

    Flippy for me is a sign of God's mercy. I see this in her every day. When I lost everything after the surgery, including my other cat to cancer, I begged God "not her." He knew that would be the thing that would "snuff the dying ember" as it were and He covered Flippy and gave her to the best possible person to take exceptional care of her for five years.

    All this to say that God knows. He knows the pain of that loss and the heartbreak. The loss of a beloved pet is no small thing. I will pray His comfort for you these next days/weeks/months/years and that through this you will see Him in ways you never could before.

  6. Hi Rosie, I have really enjoyed reading your blog about Cricket--I cried. I, too, have a dog that I love very much, and get sad just thinking about the future when he is no longer with us. I will miss him so much!
    This picture of Cricket's paws was one of my favorties though all of them are great!
    I have some pictures of my dog in www.redbubble.com/people/principiante
