18 February 2008

Spring is sprung...

Yikes! Has it really been that long since I've posted? I see some of you patient regulars have been checking back nearly daily in hopes that I'll get back to some new material. Well, between scanning old slides, staying inside because of yucky wet snowy weather, and being busy with other non-photography things (yes I have another life -- or several), I haven't had much new to post. But your patience has been rewarded.

Generally spring comes very early in Vancouver. I've seen crocuses pushing their heads up as early as the last day of January, but first week of February is not uncommon. This year it came late, but it is coming. I saw my first snow drops a few days ago. And this weekend the weather has been beautiful.

1 comment:

Sørina Higgins said...

Yay for snowdrops and a new photo from Rosie!!


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