17 January 2007

"The one without the gannet"

Australasian Gannet. © Rosie Perera, 2005. Click to enlarge.Here's another of my photos from New Zealand, an Austral­asian Gannet (Maori: takapu) coming in for a landing at the gannet colony at Muriwai Beach.

I cannot think about gannets without recalling (with interior giggles) my favorite Monty Python sketch, "The Bookshop." A customer comes in asking for all kinds of weird non-existent books, including "the expurgated version" of Olsen's Standard Book of British Birds (the one without the gannet), because, as the man explained, "I don't like them. They wet their nests!" Well, I can tell you from having seen them up close that they do indeed "wet their nests." They cement them together with guano.

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